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PA Office: 1-610-520-2878

NY Office: 1-833-627-6647



Basement Waterproofing in New York City

Waterproofing Services in New York City

In a metropolis such as New York City, waterproofing for commercial and residential properties, both old and new, is a vital service. From historic landmark buildings to towering new construction projects, professional waterproofing is needed to protect, reinforce, and restore foundations and structures. At Anthony Pennacci & Sons, we offer a full range of services for all types of commercial and residential waterproofing in New York City. We install French drains, sump pumps, floor and wall coatings, membrane waterproofing, concrete floors, and metal basement doors to ensure basement waterproofing and allow proper interior and exterior drainage. We also offer restoration services to reinforce foundation waterproofing, as well as waterproofing of all masonry surfaces.

Leading Waterproofing Company in New York City

Property owners in the city that never sleeps want an experienced and skilled mason contracting company to provide the services they need. At Anthony Pennacchi & Sons, our professional team has been servicing countless properties in New York City and beyond since 1947, specializing in waterproofing brick, concrete, and masonry to protect surfaces and buildings against the effects of water damage. Our hundreds of clients include churches, hotels, universities, schools, historic sites, charities, and government buildings. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded and have been recognized by the Better Business Bureau, chambers of commerce, historic preservation groups, and workers’ unions for our quality services.

What Makes Us the Best Building Waterproofing Company in New York City?

Anthony Pennacchi & Sons is a family business where dedicated trade skills have been handed down for generations and are now constantly enhanced through the use of modern technology and equipment. We take pride in striving to be known as the best waterproofing company in NYC, offering the highest level of customer service and expertise. Contact our New York City office today at (609) 394-7354 to inquire about waterproofing services for your home, business, apartment building, or other property.

Basement waterproofing services available for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.